Friday, September 14

On wisdom teeth, birth, a goddaughter, and sleep deprivation

The title pretty well sums it up. On the 7th, which is my dad's birthday (happy 51st!), I got my wisdom teeth out (just the lower two). I spent 3 days in a complete haze of hydrocodeine and squishy foods with 7-up. Day 4 I switched to ibuprofen and got packed up for the trip to Mustang, to stay with my grandparents (dad's side). On the 11th, I rolled in to my grandparents' drive at about 10:45 pm, printed off directions to the hospital and tried to fall asleep--but that just didn't happen. Wednesday the 12th I woke up at 6:28 (just before the alarm), dressed quickly and ran to the kitchen for some breakfast. I chatted with my grandpa while I ate, and he helped me pack a lunch so I wouldn't have to buy an expensive one at the hospital. I left at 7:30, dealt with the crawling early morning traffic on the way in to OKC, got turned around 3 times because of crappy directions (curse you, Google Maps & Mapquest! Update your info!), and finally made it up to the right hospital building by 8:15.

Ran up 3 flights of stairs--then down, then back up after retrieving my cell phone from the car--only to find the whole building was poorly labeled. By following some rather vague signs, I arrived at the elevators and waited 5 minutes for one to even show up. I talked to some extremely pregnant ladies I can only assume were headed up to check in, and we all squeezed into the elevator to go to the labor & delivery wing. I asked the nurse at the station facing the elevator if she might be able to direct me to Hannah's room (I didn't want to call and bother Hannah and her husband, in case they were sleeping), and the exchange went more or less as follows:

Me: Um, excuse me, I'm looking for my friend who checked in last night for her scheduled induction, her name is Ha-
Nurse: (disgusted tone) I need her name!
Me: Um, yes, her name is Hannah Fortney.
Nurse: (Writing slowly) Anna-
Me: No, that's (enunciating) Hannah, with an "h".
Nurse: Anna?
Me: No, (enunciating like a Hebrew ch/h) "Hannah"!
Nurse: (Annoyed, scribbles out "Anna", writes "Hanna")
Me: There's two "h"s.
Nurse: (Vacant stare)
Me: The second one goes at the end...?
Nurse: (Adds an h) Last name "Courtney", that's C-O-U-
Me: No, Fortney, with an "f", like in...frog.
Nurse: Courtney?
Me: (Spitting to enunciate the "f") Fortney. F-O-R-T-N-E-Y.
Nurse: (Vacant stare) How do you spell it?
Me: (Barely containing contempt and frustration) F-O-R-T-N-E-Y.
Nurse: (Writes it down, finally, after crossing out "Court") She's not on my list.
Me: Should I check somewhere else, or is there something else you can check?
Nurse: (Light goes on) I can check the computer, one moment. (5 minutes later) B-05.
Me: Thanks, could you point me in the right direction?
Nurse: Down the hall, left, left, then right. (Thrusts paper into my hands, ignores me)
Me: Thanks much...

As it turns out, the correct directions were "right, left, right" but I had to ask a *doctor* where to find it (and felt bad, too, since the nurse-attendant person should have given clear directions). Hannah was fine, but bored and tired, as was Sean. At some point, I managed to finish another Calorimetry, but couldn't focus on the sock I'd brought to knit to keep busy. We hung out and chatted until her dad and sister showed up, then talked a while longer until Hannah decided she wanted more meds and kicked us out of the room.

Long story short, at 5:09 (5:11 hospital time, but literally everyone's cell phone and/or watch said 5:09, so that's what I'm sticking to), Mara Lily Fortney came into the world weighing 7 lbs, 4 oz, with a full head of dark curly hair and brown eyes. Long feet, mama's nose, and generally agreed to be the cutest thing ever. Hannah did wonderfully.

I'm a godmother =)

Welcome to the world, munchkin, we're glad you're here.

Wednesday, September 5

In which I get lost doing things I probably didn't need to do...

More knitting. And gaming, incidentally, but who's counting?

Finished that Calorimetry for my husband, with some wonderful alpaca yarn from Celia on Etsy, and he liked it well enough to request similar fingerless mitts. This may have something to do with the fact that, in spite of our living in the separate upstairs of my in-laws' house, his mother likes to keep the place at about -30 Celsius or something (okay, maybe 70 Fahrenheit, but either way the whole place is on the same central heating and air, and it's cold). So I made some fingerless mitts. They look really silly without someone's hands in them.

Then I had this brilliant idea: I can make Calorimetries for my girlfriends for Christmas. We've all got long hair, it's more convenient than a hat, and between Hannah's efforts and mine, everyone probably has about 47 scarves by now. There's only so many times you can say, "Oh, thanks! Another scarf! I needed one in this particular shade of turquoise...."

I got Trauma Center: Second Opinion for the Wii. I like it, and I felt like I was doing pretty good going back and getting S-rank on all the missions--then I figured out I was doing it on the easy mode. It's fun, but challenging at times, even on easy, and the story's fairly interesting (note: I have not played any other version of Trauma Center, so I don't know if it's rather redundant or not). The control system works fairly well, and it's not too gory or anything, so I like it =)